Friday, August 18, 2017

BFIAR: Yellow Ball

Second week of BFIAR, we've got this!

Our book this week was "Yellow Ball" by Molly Bang! I couldn't find this in the library near me, so we read along on YouTube. Since this book features few words, we focused on tracking the ball and sequencing this week. We also spoke about Luke 8:22-25 and how Jesus also went through a storm.

We completed the same book report as last week. It's a great way to practice summarizing the story!

While playing ball, I asked her to raise the ball above her head, between her knees, below her foot, kick the ball around in a circle, inside and outside of a basket, and we've been talking about many other prepositions this week!

Letter of the Week: B This week we made an uppercase B bumblebee and a lowercase b butterfly!

Storms In "Yellow Ball," a great storm sweeps up the ball. So this week, we talked about storms and weather! We watched The Magic School Bus episodes on weather (Season 1 Episode 13) and the water cycle (Season 2 Episode 5). Thank you Netflix!

We attempted to make a cloud in a jar and it went well initially... then melded into this storm-looking mess in a jar! If anything, it was interesting and fun to make. It was water, food coloring, shaving cream, and cotton balls in a mason jar.

These videos from Sci Show Kids on YouTube captured her attention! I was worried it might be too advanced, but several times this week she's asked me about "the tiny pieces in the air" (particles) and a plethora of new questions! She also finds the idea of being shocked by a doorknob hilarious (static electricity).

After learning about weather diaries, she begged to begin one! I printed these pages from Sparkle Box. They are just her speed.

This fun, online game is about the seasons, weather, and thermometers! Here is the link: e-Learning for Kids - Weather. Some areas were advanced for her, such as Fahrenheit and Celsius measurements, but it was a good introduction.

This 3D water cycle craft from Teachers Pay Teachers was adorable! I like that it went with our focus on sequencing this week. Her project is now proudly hanging above her desk.

I used free printables from Primary Theme Park to make play-dough mats. I put them in paper protectors and added them to a folder. She loved it!

One of the illustrations of "Yellow Ball" included the moon reflecting on the ocean. This was a fun fold-n-print painting. She folded a piece of cardstock in half. The bottom half she painted like the ocean, the grey moon on the top half, and then folded it to transfer the moon's reflection. She painted the night sky black. For her final touch, she added a smiley face to the moon!

Introducing oil pastels, I showed her how different they were compared to crayons, colored pencils, markers, pens. She delighted in the blending abilities she now had with these! She tried blending colors together, but preferred blending white to make the colors lighter.

The BFIAR guide suggests recreating the title page. Here is Addie's rendition!

Math: Distance and Perception
Tracking the ball throughout the story, we talked about how some pictures made the ball look bigger or smaller. We also looked at our fish tanks from different angles! 

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