Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Apologia Physical Science (Ed. 2) - Module 8: Weather and Its Prediction

Here I have included videos, interactives, games and other websites to supplement Apologia's physical science course. Note: I am using the CD-ROM course and not the textbook. I have posted the list in chronological order of the lessons on the CD.


Life Cycle of a Thunderstorm [NC State University]  

Thunderstorms 2:
Lightning [NC State Univesity]

Types of Lightning [Windows to the Universe]

Tornadoes and Hurricanes:
Forces of Nature [National Geographic] Interactive on forces of nature. You will only be viewing tornadoes and hurricanes, but it also covers volcanoes and earthquakes. Click through the slides to learn more or build your own tornado or hurricane.

Weather Maps and Weather Prediction:

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