Thursday, March 24, 2016

Apologia Physical Science (Ed. 2) Module 6: Earth and The Lithosphere

Here I have included videos, interactives, games and other websites to supplement Apologia's physical science course. Note: I am using the CD-ROM course and not the textbook. I have posted the list in chronological order of the lessons on the CD.
ATTENTION: Several links I include may speak of a different time frame of Earth's creation than a Biblical view. Parents may want to view the material first.


Structure of the Earth: Crust, Mantle, and Core

But How Do We Know What's Down There? [Pennsylvania State University] webpage on how we study Earth's interior.

Earth's Layers [Harcourt Schools] interactive explaining the layers of Earth.

The Crust:
Types of Rocks [Brain POP]

Rock Cycle [Annenberg Learner]

The Mantle 2: 
Layers of the Earth interactive explaining layers of earth and seismic waves 

Types of seismic waves

The Mantle 3:

Non-Newtonian Fluid - Cornstarch and Water
This video shows how cornstarch and water behave together. It forms a non-Newtonian fluid that behaves similarly to plastic rock.

The Earth's Core:

Outer & Inner Core [Discovery]

The Earth's Core 2:

Electromagnet: a fun, at home experiment
If you cannot complete Experiment 6.3, this is the same experiment!

Why Earth's Magnetic Shield Matters [Science Channel]

Earth's Magnetic Field [Windows to the Universe]

Magnetic Field Reversal [Science Channel]
Bernard Bruhnes' discovery of of Earth's magnetic field reversal

Plate Tectonics:

Plate Tectonics - This video is from YouTube, but it will not embed.

Plate Tectonics 2:

Dynamic Earth [Annenberg Learner] Interactive on Earth's structure and plate tectonics.


Earthquakes 101 [National Geographic]

Plate Boundaries Interactive Map Click through an interactive map to explore the way plates change our planet.

Mountains and Volcanoes:

Mountain Types [BrainPOP] showing how plate tectonics create different types of mountains.

Volcano Explorer [Discovery Kids] Explore volcanoes and build your own.

Plate Tectonics [Science Channel] video (on Science Channel's website) speaking about plate tectonics, volcanoes and earthquakes.

Volcanoes 101 [National Geographic]

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