Monday, February 29, 2016

Apologia Physical Science (Ed. 2) - Module 2: Air

Here I have included videos, interactives, games and other websites to supplement Apologia's physical science course. Note: I am using the CD-ROM course and not the textbook. I have posted the list in chronological order of the lessons on the CD.

The Air and Humidity: 

Humidity 101 I cannot get this video to embed, but it is a great resource!

Humidity [BrainPop] This video explains water in the atmosphere simply. There is a quiz at the end to test your knowledge.

Experiment 2.1

The Air and Humidity 2:

The Composition of Air:

The Air We Breathe Information about the composition of air. 

Experiment 2.2:

The Composition of Air 2:

Carbon Dioxide in the Air: 

Experiment 2.3:

This is the same effect demonstrated in Experiment 2.3, but this video is from the BBC.

Carbon Dioxide in the Air 2:

See how the greenhouse effect works and how it can be beneficial or detrimental to Earth!

Parts Per Million:


Ozone [eSchoolToday] This website has a several pages on the ozone layer. Click through the tabs on the left to access the other pages on the topic.

Good Up High Bad Nearby - What is Ozone? [AirNow - US EPA] 2014 article explaining the "good" and "bad" ozone.

Air Pollution:

Air Pollution [eSchoolToday] This site has several pages on air pollutants. Click through the tabs on the left to access other pages on the topic.

Air pollution [AFP news agency]

Sulfur Oxide from Coal [Britannica]

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